Our Skills Assessment Experts have answered some common questions we receive via webinars, social media and emails to assist our clients and migration agents/lawyers.
1. How can I find out whether my qualifications are equivalent to Australian qualifications?
We assess all qualifications against the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), which is a set of guidelines published by the Australian Government’s Department of Education. We will assess how the qualification you obtained compares with the AQF. You can find out about the AQF here
2. I am applying for the occupation of Graphic Designer. How can I present my portfolio of drawings and artwork?
You can provide us with online access to your digital portfolio through your CV. Please also refer to the specific information sheet on our website for other important tips if lodging an assessment against Graphic Designer. You can find it here
3. Do I need to provide verified copies of my qualification and transcript from my university?
This applies in some cases. A second set of qualification documents that have been verified are required for qualifications achieved in China and there are additional requirements for Europe, the Philippines and Lebanon. Sometimes we may request clarification about documents from other regions.
You can find out more about qualification requirements on this page
4. Are unpublished research papers accepted for the occupation of University Lecturer?
Only published research is accepted for this occupation. Please refer to our information sheet for more details about the research component requirement for this occupation.
5. Is it mandatory to have continuous job experience, or can we submit experience with different organisations/positions?
Employment does not have to be continuous or only with one employer, but combined employment period/s must meet the minimum duration requirements. You also need to show the employment was at the required skill level of the nominated occupation.
6. What do we need to provide for an nec occupation? Are general tasks acceptable for these occupations?
NEC (not elsewhere classified) applies to occupations that do not exist as stand-alone ANZSCO Code occupations. NEC codes have a common set of tasks and duties as the other occupations within the ANZSCO Unit Group, but at the same time specialise in an occupation not covered elsewhere in ANZSCO.
We conduct a case-by-case assessment to determine whether your employment can be considered highly relevant to this classification. We encourage you to provide a cover letter that justifies the rationale for choosing an ‘nec’ category and documents to support your application. This evidence must identify and clearly describe the circumstances by which you fall under your chosen nec category.
For more than 25 years VETASSESS has provided tailored, independent assessment services to governments, education sectors and industries globally.
We have pioneered assessment services to recognise and verify individuals’ qualifications, skills and experience for migration purposes against the requirements of 341 professional and 27 trade occupations.