Building Inspectors inspect buildings to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and advise on building requirements.
Occupation description
Building Inspectors inspect buildings to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and advise on building requirements.
Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Building Certifier
- Building Surveyor
- Electrical Installation Inspector
Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Building Associate
- Maintenance Planner
These occupations are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO.
Building Inspector is a VETASSESS Group C occupation
This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma or higher.
Applicants must also have at least one year of highly relevant, post-qualification employment, at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years.
* Additional qualifications in a highly relevant field of study include those comparable to the following levels:
- AQF Diploma
- AQF Advanced Diploma
- AQF Associate Degree or
- AQF Graduate Diploma
** Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)
minimum years of employment highly relevant to the nominated occupation, completed at an appropriate skill level in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.
minimum 4 years of relevant employment required – Three years of relevant employment (can be outside the last 5-year period) in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment within the last five years before applying.
A positive assessment of both qualification level and employment duration is required for a positive Skills Assessment outcome.
Qualification and Employment Criteria
Highly relevant tasks include:
- Inspecting work and materials for compliance with specifications, regulations and standards;
- Interpreting building plans, building regulations and codes of practice;
- Inspecting building works in progress to ensure compliance with plans, specifications and regulations, and that proper techniques and materials are used;
- Maintaining records of building progress and departures from design drawings or specifications;
- Assessing building plans submitted for approval;
- Inspecting existing buildings to assess the condition;
- Giving advice on building matters.
Employment information
Building Inspectors inspect building works and materials to ensure compliance with specifications, building codes, and other regulations. They may review projects during the documentation phase and/or inspect projects during the construction phase to determine if the project adheres to building codes and regulations. These standards may be related to structural, fire safety and environmentally sustainable design. Building Inspectors may also provide consultation advice on building codes and regulations, and issue formal permits such as building permits or occupancy permits which signify major milestones in the building process.
Roles with a primary focus on construction site management or producing architectural or civil engineering drawings would not be considered relevant to the occupation of Building Inspector.
Supporting material for assessment
Applicants nominating this occupation are required to provide evidence in line with VETASSESS documentation requirements.
Applicants may also provide details of any relevant training or professional development courses undertaken, and licences/registrations held that relate to performing the role, if applicable. These may be detailed in the Curriculum Vitae/Resume provided.
Get Support
Help with a Skills Assessment
Skills Assessment Support (SAS) services are for migration agents, legal practitioners and prospective applicants who are yet to submit their Skills Assessment application to VETASSESS.
Help with an urgent application
For general and professional occupations, priority processing can be used to fast-track urgent applications
How to apply
If you're a professional choosing to migrate to Australia, chances are you're likely to be assessed by us. We assess 361 different professional occupations, assessing your skills, experience and qualifications.
Find the VETASSESS occupation that most closely fits your skills and experience.
Match your skills and experience to your chosen occupation.
Get ready to apply by preparing all the information and documents you need.
Apply online when you’re ready. If you’re still unsure, skills assessment support is available when you need it.