Community Arts Worker Skills Assessment ANZSCO 272611 | VETASSESS Skip to main content

Community Arts Worker

Community Arts Worker
ANZSCO Code: 272611 / Group B

A Community Arts Worker identifies issues of local need, concerns and aspirations through community consultation, and designs and implements strategies to facilitate and encourage community arts projects and happenings, and promote the value of community cultural development.

Occupation description

A Community Arts Worker identifies issues of local need, concerns and aspirations through community consultation, and designs and implements strategies to facilitate and encourage community arts projects and happenings, and promote the value of community cultural development.

Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Community Artist
  • Community Arts Officer
  • Community Cultural Development Officer

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Recreation Officer
  • Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals
  • Art Teacher (Private Tuition)

These occupations are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO or are not at the required skill level.

Community Arts Worker is a VETASSESS Group B occupation

This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher.

Applicants must have fulfilled at least one of the following four criteria (1–4):

Group B

* Additional qualifications in a highly relevant field of study include those comparable to the following levels:

  • AQF Diploma
  • AQF Advanced Diploma
  • AQF Associate Degree or
  • AQF Graduate Diploma

*** Bachelor degree or higher degree includes:

  • AQF Master Degree or
  • AQF Doctoral Degree

** Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)


minimum years of employment highly relevant to the nominated occupation, completed at an appropriate skill level in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.

minimum 6 years of relevant employment required – five years of relevant employment (can be outside the last 5-year period) in addition to at least one year of highly relevant employment within the last five years before applying.

*If employment is prior to the completion of the qualification at the required level, an applicant must have at least one year of highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level within the last five years. The remaining five years of pre-qualifying period may be within the last ten years. A positive assessment of both qualification level and employment duration is required for a positive Skills Assessment outcome.

Qualification and Employment Criteria

AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree.

This includes qualifications assessed at AQF Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.


Highly relevant major fields of study include:

  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Community Education
  • Community Culture
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts


Highly relevant tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Researching and analysing community issues, needs and problems.
  • Developing, evaluating and maintaining community resources and programs.
  • Evaluating data and writing reports such as submissions requesting funding for continuing programs and new projects.
  • Identifying issues of local need, concerns and aspirations through community consultation.
  • Organising local cultural events and activities such as community functions, hobby classes and community arts projects.

Additional tasks may include:

  • Leading meetings and training activities.
  • Writing funding bids and proposals, managing budgets and general administration.
  • Publicising activities through the press, local radio, leaflets and social media.

Employment information

Most Community Arts Workers are qualified in their specialist subjects, such as art, design, music, dance, drama or literature, and may be employed in a variety of community settings, including:

  • Community centres
  • Local councils
  • Libraries
  • Youth clubs
  • Prisons
  • Specialised residential centres

Community Arts Workers use a range of art forms to engage with community groups that may be experiencing social, cultural or environmental problems. Projects are often run in collaboration with participants and volunteers.

Supporting material for assessment

When applying for a Skills Assessment, please ensure you submit sufficient evidence supporting your proof of identity, qualification and employment claims. A full list of the documents required can be found on the VETASSESS website under Eligibility Criteria.

For this occupation, you may also wish to include a list of the community arts projects you have been involved in.

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How to apply

If you're a professional choosing to migrate to Australia, chances are you're likely to be assessed by us. We assess 361 different professional occupations, assessing your skills, experience and qualifications.



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