Pharmacy Technician Skills Assessment ANZSCO 311215 | VETASSESS Skip to main content

Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy Technician
ANZSCO Code: 311215 / Group D

Pharmacy Technicians fill and label patients’ prescriptions under the supervision of a Pharmacist. They may record details of, place orders for, take stock of, and store medications and medical supplies and deliver them to patients.

Occupation description

Pharmacy Technicians fill and label patients’ prescriptions under the supervision of a Pharmacist. They may record details of, place orders for, take stock of, and store medications and medical supplies and deliver them to patients.

Alternative Title: 

  • Dispensary Technician 

Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:

  • Hospital Pharmacist
  • Retail Pharmacist
  • Pharmacy Sales Assistant

These occupations are classified elsewhere in ANZSCO.

Pharmacy Technician is a VETASSESS Group D occupation.

Pharmacy Technicians fill and label patients’ prescriptions under the supervision of a Pharmacist. They may record details of, place orders for, take stock of, and store medications and medical supplies and deliver them to patients.

A positive assessment of both qualification level and employment duration is required for a positive Skills Assessment Outcome.


Group D Diagram as of Jan 2025

* Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week)

* Your period of employment may have occur you completing the qualification at the required level. If this is the case, you must have at least one year of highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level within the last five years. The remaining three years of pre-qualifying period may be within the last ten years.

Pathways 1-3 

minimum years of post-qualification employment highly relevant to the nominated occupation, completed at an appropriate skill level in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.

Pathway 4

minimum 4 years of relevant employment required – Three years of relevant employment (can be outside the last 5-year period) in addition 
to at least one year of highly relevant employment within the last five years before applying.

A positive assessment of both qualification level and employment duration is required for a positive Skills Assessment outcome.

Qualification and Employment Criteria

AQF Certificate IV or higher qualification

AQF Certificate III or higher qualification. This includes qualifications assessed at AQF Certificate III, Certificate IV, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree, Graduate Diploma, Master and Doctoral level. 

Highly relevant major fields of study include:

  • Pharmacy
  • Community Pharmacy
  • Community Pharmacy Dispensary
  • Hospital/Health Services Pharmacy Support

Employment tasks

Highly relevant tasks include:

  • Referring prescriptions to Pharmacists and assisting in preparing medications;
  • Filling and labelling patients’ prescriptions under the supervision of a Pharmacist;
  • Recording details of, placing orders for, taking stock of, and storing medications and medical supplies and delivering them to patients.

Other tasks may include:

  • Compounding products under the supervision of a Pharmacist;
  • Managing stock levels and inventory in pharmacies or on wards;
  • Assisting with medication audits, reports and reviews;
  • Supporting clinical Pharmacists in their routine work, such as screening patients or gathering information for Pharmacist review.

In Australia, there are currently no legal requirements for licensing or registration for the occupation of Pharmacy Technician.

Employment information

Employment as a Pharmacist with standard tasks in that capacity cannot be assessed positively for Pharmacy Technician as these roles require a different skill set. This occupation should also not be confused with Pharmacy Sales Assistant (ANZSCO Code 621411), a person who sells pharmaceutical goods (non-prescription), toiletries and related goods in a retail pharmacy. Pharmacy Sales Assistants may accept prescriptions for filling by Retail Pharmacists and process payment.

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