A Physicist studies matter, space, time, energy, forces and fields and the interrelationship between these physical phenomena to further understanding of the laws governing the behaviour of the universe, and seeks to apply these laws to solve practical problems and discover new information about the earth and the universe.
Occupation description
A Physicist studies matter, space, time, energy, forces and fields and the interrelationship between these physical phenomena to further understanding of the laws governing the behaviour of the universe, and seeks to apply these laws to solve practical problems and discover new information about the earth and the universe.
Occupations considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Astronomer
Occupations not considered suitable under this ANZSCO code:
- Medical Physicist*
*VETASSESS is not the authorised assessing body for this specialisation
Physicist is a VETASSESS Group A occupation
This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree or higher, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.
Applicants must also have at least one year of highly relevant, post-qualification employment, at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years. A positive assessment of both qualifications and employment is required for a positive Skills Assessment Outcome.

* Additional qualifications in a highly relevant field of study include those comparable to the following levels:
- AQF Diploma
- AQF Advanced Diploma
- AQF Associate Degree or
- AQF Graduate Diploma
** Highly relevant paid employment duration (20 hours or more per week):
one year of post-qualification paid employment (20 hours or more per week) highly relevant to the nominated occupation, at an appropriate skill level in the last five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.
Qualification and Employment Criteria
AQF Bachelor degree or higher degree*
This occupation requires a qualification in the following fields; Physics, Astrophysics, Engineering (Physics), Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics.
*This includes qualifications assessed at AQF Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level.
Highly relevant tasks include:
- Studying matter, space, time, energy, forces and fields and the interrelationship between these physical phenomena to further understanding of the laws governing the behaviour of the universe.
- Developing analytical methodologies and techniques to investigate the structure and properties of matter, the relationships between matter and energy, and other physical phenomena.
- Testing the reliability of these methodologies and techniques by performing tests and experiments under various conditions.
- Preparing scientific papers and reports, or supervising their preparation.
- Supervising and co-ordinating the work of Technicians and Technologists.
- May specialise in one or more branches of physics such as electrical, luminescent, mechanical, magnetic, radioactive, molecular, nuclear, ionospheric, atmospheric physics and signal analysis.
- Using knowledge and/or technology developed from their work to develop new materials, products and processes for use in industry, medicine, defence and other areas of research and development.
- Seeking to apply laws governing the behaviour of the universe to solve practical problems and discovering new information about the earth and the universe.
Employment information
Physicists work in both theoretical and applied fields. Theoretical Physics is the investigation and research of Physics concepts and methods, including improving and creating new laws. Applied Physics is the application of knowledge and technology to solve real world problems in a range of industries.
Physicists work in several industries, including academic, military, engineering, computing, electronics, finance, manufacturing, medicine, astronomy and more.
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Help with a Skills Assessment
Skills Assessment Support (SAS) services are for migration agents, legal practitioners and prospective applicants who are yet to submit their Skills Assessment application to VETASSESS.
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For general and professional occupations, priority processing can be used to fast-track urgent applications
How to apply
If you're a professional choosing to migrate to Australia, chances are you're likely to be assessed by us. We assess 361 different professional occupations, assessing your skills, experience and qualifications.
Find the VETASSESS occupation that most closely fits your skills and experience.
Match your skills and experience to your chosen occupation.
Get ready to apply by preparing all the information and documents you need.
Apply online when you’re ready. If you’re still unsure, skills assessment support is available when you need it.