The Victorian Government has awarded Bendigo Kangan Institute a grant to research qualification recognition opportunities between Australia and Chinese vocational training institutes.
The research will be performed by VETASSESS, the assessment arm of Bendigo Kangan Institute, and is funded by the Victorian Government through a grant from the Study Melbourne Research Partnership Program (SMRP), and delivered by veski, who drive programs and initiatives to inspire innovation.

The research has the potential to support Victoria’s education sector by assisting Chinese students to find study pathways in Victorian technical institutes and universities.
VETASSESS will partner with the Chinese Testing, Inspection and Certification Education Association (CTICEA), in China to explore and inform cross-border qualification recognition opportunities by mapping Chinese vocational qualifications to Australian standards in select fields of study.
Bendigo Kangan Institute CEO Sally Curtain said that the research to map qualifications will provide study pathways for students which in turn has the potential to support Victoria’s tertiary education sector and boost the local economy.
“This funding will provide significant opportunities to explore and align cross-border qualifications in particular fields of study as well as enhance connections and collaborations with leading international institutions and industry. Through the success of this work we will be able to attract more students to Victoria,” Ms Curtain said.
VETASSESS Executive Director Rob Thomason said that the research focuses on developing skills and mapping Chinese qualifications to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) in the fields of chemical technology and environmental monitoring and control technology.
“CTICEA consists of more than 150 scientific research institutes, 80 vocational colleges, trade associations and enterprises in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC) in China. CTICEA’s member colleges educate students who are highly sought after by Chinese industries,” Mr Thomason said.
The VETASSESS-Bendigo Kangan Institute grant was one of 15 made by veski and Study Melbourne.
veski MD and chief executive Julia L Page said that the projects will drive international research collaboration, deepen strategic offshore partnerships, strengthening the prestigious global rankings and reputation of Victoria’s public universities and TAFEs.
About the program
The International Research Partnerships Program is an initiative under the Victorian Government’s International Education Short Term Recovery Plan 2020- 21, a $33.4 million stimulus package aimed at supporting strategic international research partnerships to grow market access and strengthen Victoria’s global reputation for high-quality education and research.
International education is a critical services export for Victoria, contributing $10.5 billion to the state’s economy in 2020 and supporting around 79,000 Victorian jobs in 2018. Through its $33.4 million 2020-21 International Education Short-Term Recovery Plan announced late last year and a further $50.9 million commitment to the sector's longer-term recovery in the Victorian Budget 2021-22, the Victorian Government continues to support and invest in the international education sector.
About veski
veski was established to enhance Victoria’s intellectual capital through a program of fellowships, awards and international networks. It was officially launched in 2004 and continues to receive annual funding from the Victorian Government, which it builds upon through strategic partnerships and collaborations with business, academic and philanthropic organisations.
For media enquires contact Bendigo Kangan Institute at
For more than 25 years VETASSESS has provided tailored, independent assessment services to governments, education sectors and industries globally.
We have pioneered assessment services to recognise and verify individuals’ qualifications, skills and experience for migration purposes against the requirements of 341 professional and 27 trade occupations.