Massage & Myotherapy Australia, the association for professional therapists, has endorsed VETASSESS assessment criteria for the occupation of Massage Therapist.

The endorsement has significant meaning in terms of the association’s support of VETASSESS criteria and gives additional confidence to applicants to know that their skills and experience are being assessed against the most current and up-to-date trends in the industry.
Under VETASSESS criteria, a Massage Therapist must have an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) diploma or higher qualification.
The occupations, which have the new OSCA code 4412 Massage Therapists and Myotherapists, encompass Massage Therapists (441231) Level 3, which includes Shiatsu Therapist and Thai Massage Therapist, Remedial Massage Therapists (441233) Level 2, Chinese Massage Therapist (Tui Na) and Sports Massage Therapists, and Myotherapists (4411232) Level 2.
It does not include physiotherapists, personal assistants, fitness instructors, beauty therapists, sex workers and escorts.
CEO of Massage & Myotherapy Australia, Ann Davey said the new VETASSESS criteria represent a significant step forward in recognising that Australia’s professional qualified massage sector has matured as a valuable sector of healthcare.
‘The benefits of massage therapy have become widely accepted in recent years. For numerous conditions, the emerging body of evidence supports its effective use in relieving symptoms of pain, reduced motion, and related emotional issues.
‘One in four people live with chronic pain. The new VETASSESS Criteria will help to ensure that migrants have appropriate massage qualifications to join the professional qualified massage and myotherapy sector in Australia, which contributes to the management and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal conditions caused by chronic conditions, injury, disability, ageing and stress,’ she said.
The new criteria mean that VETASSES will accept candidates with a recognised AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) level qualification in a field of study deemed to be highly relevant to industry standards. The new criteria also ensure that VETASSESS’ employment criteria are aligned to the latest industry standards and practice.
Migrants should seek out this information before applying for a visa or entering Australia, Mrs Davey said.
VETASSESS Interim Executive Director Dr Mamta Chauhan said, ‘Endorsement from Massage & Myotherapy Australia would enable VETASSESS to keep its assessment criteria current.
“It is important that qualified applicants seeking a skills assessment for migration purposes understand what is required to practise this occupation in Australia,” she said.
“Massage & Myotherapy Australia can help qualified practitioners from abroad to find a pathway to practise in Australia.”
You can find more information on the requirements for a Massage Therapist here.
A new information sheet is being prepared. This will include updated information on specialisations and alternative titles within the field of massage therapy, additions to the major fields of study, additions to occupations not included for consideration and additions to highly relevant tasks performed.
About Massage & Myotherapy Australia
Massage & Myotherapy Australia is the leading representative body for massage, remedial massage and myotherapists nationwide, with more than 8,600 professionally qualified therapists.
For media inquiries only, contact the VETASSESS communications team at or ph. 613 9655 4801