VETASSESS has signed an agreement with Chinese Testing, Inspection and Certification Education Association (CTICEA) to collaborate in benchmarking Chinese qualifications to Australian standards.

Photo: VETASSESS China director Rick Zhou presenting to the CTICEA conference in Changzhou in July.
In association with CTICEA, VETASSESS is seeking expressions of interest from CTICEA member colleges to benchmark Chinese qualifications to the Australian standards in:
- Chemical Technology application,
- Dietetics Nutrition Inspection, and,
- Environmental Monitoring and Control Technology.
VETASSESS and CTICEA will work together to benchmark Chinese qualifications to the Australian Qualifications Framework. The Qualification Referencing Service is a valuable tool in understanding how a qualification is measured internationally.
It supports China's initiatives in supporting the recognition and development of an internationally accepted qualification and assessment standard, as well as a curriculum system for target majors.
Mapping to Australian standards will help colleges and their students better understand how their fields of study can facilitate pathways to vocational and tertiary education programs with Australian universities, technical and further education institutes (TAFEs) and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
CTICEA General Secretary Fire Chow said CTICEA’s 80-plus member colleges educate students who are highly sought after by Chinese industries.
"Testing and inspection standards and instruments change frequently and this Qualification Referencing Service will be a valuable tool in understanding how a qualification is measured internationally," he said.
VETASSESS Executive Director Rob Thomason says VETASSESS hopes to work with VET providers to build progressive stages of capability including:
- Skills mapping
- Skills and qualification recognition internationally
- Follow-up development of qualification standards, assessment tools, learning resources, and teacher training.
"The skills taught by CTICEA member colleges are in high demand worldwide and employers and educational institutes need to know how different qualifications compare so they can ensure their students and workforces have the skills they need for economic growth," he said.
For more information, contact our communications team at or ph 03-9655-4801.
About the Chinese Testing, Inspection and Certificate Education Association (CTICEA)
CTICEA is a non-corporate organisation established by the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine and registered by the Ministry of Education PRC. It consists of more than 150 scientific research institutes, vocational colleges, trade associations and enterprises in the field of testing, inspection and certification (TIC) in China.
For more than 25 years VETASSESS has provided tailored, independent assessment services to governments, education sectors and industries globally.
We have pioneered assessment services to recognise and verify individuals’ qualifications, skills and experience for migration purposes against the requirements of 341 professional and 27 trade occupations.